Archives mensuelles : avril 2012

Edith Meusnier

Edith Meusnier is a french artist born in 1950. Her work consist in assembling plastic tapes, packaging materials and metal. It’s a different way to present these materials and make an union with nature. She has made an exposition called « Paysage d’Artifice » where she braids these elements.

She likes to introduce some colors to make a constrast between  the natural and the artificial. It can be calified as an aerial work because of the light weight of the structure she introduces to the environment .


Ana Mendieta & James Pierce

There is a contrast between an anthropological and a psychological dimension; the primitive contact of nature and society.
We can see this concept in the works of Ana Mendiata and James Pierce.

Untitled (Silueta Series), Ana Mendieta, 1978.

Anna Mendieta leaves marks in the land with her body, creating a crossover between Land Art and Body Art. A physical link. She incorporates herself and her body into the earth and landscapes she crosses.

On the other hand, James Pierce brings out the idea of the earth as a type of primitive goddess in his pictures. The land is sexualised, suggesting procreation and fertility.

"Earth woman", James Pierce,1976.



Michael Heizer

"Double Negative", Michael Heizer, Northwest of Overton, Nevada, 1969.

Michael Heizer is a contemporary artist specialized in monumental sculptures and Land Art. He went to the Art Institut of San Francisco. Born in 1944, he was a part of the Land Art generation with Robert Morris, Nancy Holt, D. Oppenheim, R. Long, Carl André and his wife. The picture is one of his first earthwork, an example of a return to the ancestral, primitive earth.  » Double Negative  » is a displacement of tons of land. The subject shows the fact we can’t identify what has been touch by the hand of men and what it isn’t. It challenges the gap between the naturals deformations against fake ones. Thus it shows the discrepancies of what is related to art’s works, with museum.

"Double Negative", Michael Heizer, Northwest of Overton Nevada, 1969.


Gilles Bruni and Marc Babarit

Gilles Bruni  and  Marc Babarit are french artists who collaborated together. They make Land art Artworks using trees. Sometimes they joined several trees to make a circle of trees, or they are transforming trees positions.

Gilles Bruni and Marc Babarit, « The Greenhouse and the Shed », Dead Picea abies cones, boughs and branches, Avellana branches, wire, stones, horticultural protective netting, Picea abies plantation, 2002.

[Under construction]


Crop circles

Crop circles can be associated with Land art because of these shapes which are doing in fields. They appeared in a lot of places in the world. We don’t really know who are creators of these shapes but in an arial view we can see drawings with an impressive geometric and mathematical forms. It’s almost impossible for some people to created something so perfect, by the way these forms continue to appeared in the world without explanations. Every person have his own explanation about this phenomenon, we are free to believe what we want about that, there is different theory.
