Archives de Catégorie: Retour au primitivisme

Il y a dans le Land art une utilisation de l’environnement qui se réfère à des formes d’art utilisées autrefois comme moyen de s’exprimer simplement avec l’aide de la nature.

Nazca lines

In the Nazka desert (in southern Peru) there are geoglyphs of Nazca also called « Nazca Lines » are a series of geometric lines which make some shapes, more exactly animal figures. Some archeologists have study about this subject and there was research to see how these lines were realized. These figures are representing animals like spiders, monkeys, fish, sharks, orcas, llamas, and lizards.

There is a lot of debate about the lines, some people have the theory that they were created for the gods to look upon them from above, while others suggest they were sort of calendar with astronomical alignments that would allow to carry plantations and crops.

Photos by the archeologist Maria Reiche(1953)

(Associated links : Wikipedia )
