Archives de Tag: artworks

Walter De Maria

Walter De Maria was born in 1935 in California. This American artist went to Berkelely University and graduated with a specialisation in Art. The question of the environment worry about the futur of the land. That’s way this concept is also call Earthworks.

Also this structure demonstrates that the audience (the public) can’t possess, buy or see a Land Art work unless they are there at the right place at the right time.

Its values changed.

Ligne dans le desert de Tula, Walter de Maria, Nevada, 1969.


Burning Man’s Land Art

Burning Man is an American music festival that brings Land Art to the Nevada desert. Visitors create sculptures just before the event begins (you can view these on the official Burning Man website). All artworks are created in keeping with the desert’s natural landscape and can be registered on the website, but they must be made with one proviso: LEAVE NO TRACE, so as to preserve the desert itself.






This picture is an aerial view of Burning Man’s camp, which is organised like an amphitheater with the Man at its center every year! The arrangement of tents in circular formation creates a Land Art piece which gravitates around the central ‘Playa’ which is itself punctuated by sculptures made by the festival’s yearly pilgrammage.
