Archives de Tag: Land art

Gilles Bruni and Marc Babarit

Gilles Bruni  and  Marc Babarit are french artists who collaborated together. They make Land art Artworks using trees. Sometimes they joined several trees to make a circle of trees, or they are transforming trees positions.

Gilles Bruni and Marc Babarit, « The Greenhouse and the Shed », Dead Picea abies cones, boughs and branches, Avellana branches, wire, stones, horticultural protective netting, Picea abies plantation, 2002.

[Under construction]


Nazca lines

In the Nazka desert (in southern Peru) there are geoglyphs of Nazca also called « Nazca Lines » are a series of geometric lines which make some shapes, more exactly animal figures. Some archeologists have study about this subject and there was research to see how these lines were realized. These figures are representing animals like spiders, monkeys, fish, sharks, orcas, llamas, and lizards.

There is a lot of debate about the lines, some people have the theory that they were created for the gods to look upon them from above, while others suggest they were sort of calendar with astronomical alignments that would allow to carry plantations and crops.

Photos by the archeologist Maria Reiche(1953)

(Associated links : Wikipedia )


Walter De Maria

Walter De Maria was born in 1935 in California. This American artist went to Berkelely University and graduated with a specialisation in Art. The question of the environment worry about the futur of the land. That’s way this concept is also call Earthworks.

Also this structure demonstrates that the audience (the public) can’t possess, buy or see a Land Art work unless they are there at the right place at the right time.

Its values changed.

Ligne dans le desert de Tula, Walter de Maria, Nevada, 1969.


Robert Smithson

Robert Smithson (born in 1973) is an American contemporary artist and sculptor of minimal art. He studied painting and drawing but specialises in Land Art, and has even contributed theoretical works on the subject, among whose number there are writings on Earthworks, Sculpture, Drawings, Photography and Film. His polymath approach is necessary for the representation of the works themselves. The intrinsic nature of Landart renders it ephemeral to the point where the artists must undertake photography, film and writing to share these ideas with their audience over and above the basic minimum of the construction of the pieces.

F. A.