Archives de Tag: spiral

Richard Long

Biography and artwork’s explication :

Richard Long is an English  sculptor, photographer and painter, one of the best known British land artists. He has won the Turner Prize four times, not to mention his refusal of the prize in 1984. He won the award in 1989 for his work White Water Line.

Using archetypal shapes (mostly circles, lines, crosses and spirals) is a hallmark of the artist’s body of work. There is in Long’s artworks a connotation with ancient monuments. His work is not just a connection of simple geometric structures with organic elements, but a breaking of cultural and generational boundaries:

‘I think circles have belonged in some way or other to all people at all times. They are universal and timeless, like the image of a human hand. For me, that is part of their emotional power, although there is nothing symbolic or mystical in my work.’ – Richard Long.

N. I.